Python 4.0.0
As of July 28, 2021, Python version 2.9.6 has been released. One of the biggest tasks for most of the python community was when the last major shift happened i.e. Python 2 Projects were to be migrated to Python 3. Most of us found the whole new change in the python package's way of writing, and at most of the places, the handling of Unicode was a mess.
So the big picture stands when will Python Version 4.0 be released? Will the next major version of python bring any major changes in old codes? And at last, will it create a mess again for migrations of our Old Projects?
Well as per the latest guidelines on unlike Python 2.9 and then Python3 the shift to Python 4 won't be so early. As per Guido van Rossum, creator of the popular programming language, Python 4 is still far away. Python-Dev Community would be working on the Python 3.11.0a0 version of Python which is expected to be released by the end of the year 2021.
So no all the major fuss about Python 4.0 is still eons away for the Development Community.
Hopefully, we would be seeing some good improvement's in Python's newer version and Python 4 would surely be there just not as early as expected.