Creational Design Patterns.
Creational Design Patterns are one of the simplest sets of Design Patterns.
Object creation can be independent of class implementation.
Adding support to a new type of object is very easy
The logic of object creation is hidden.
Creational Design Patterns Include
1) Singleton Design Pattern
This Pattern states that at a given time there should be only one `instance` of
any given object.
Thus reusing the object over and over again.
Singleton Object creation has only 2 sets of rules to be followed.
1) Object Must have only Single Instance Created.
2) There should be global access to the object created.
In Python Singleton is easiest to create for any given class.
Since the `__new__` is always a class method in python (until version 3.8).
You can always modify this method to make your object as a Singleton Object.
Only a single instance is created hence low memory usage.
Faster Execution Since the Class is Not instantiated multiple times.
We got global access to the instance of the object.
It's not easy to use the singleton method in a multithreaded environment, because we have to take care that multi-thread wouldn’t create a singleton object several times.
As they introduce the global state to the application, it makes the unit testing very hard.
2) Factory Pattern
Factory Pattern Defines a way to delegate the class that may or may not provide
similar kind of usage.
For e.g.
Consider a car that has a prerequisite to qualify as a car (4 wheels, body etc.)
Now you need to create a new car that needs to have these predefined sets as well
as some extra features.
Then you define an abstract class a car having prerequisites and derive any new
class from this should implement
all the requisites and can add additional features.
Thus you can say that a Factory Design Pattern derives the way for Designing the
A factory design pattern is used when we have a superclass with multiple sub-classes
and based on input, we need to return one of the sub-classes.
This pattern takes out the responsibility of instantiation of a class from the client
program to the factory class.
In Python, it is an abstract class in most cases.
Factory pattern provides an approach to code for interface rather than implementation.
Factory pattern removes the instantiation of actual implementation classes from client code,
making it more robust, less coupled, and easy to extend.
Factory pattern provides abstraction between implementation and client classes via inheritance.
3) Abstract Factory Pattern
The abstract is a superset of a factory.
This set contains multiple factories that superset multiple properties for
an object where every object can have its multiple properties.
It groups the individual but related/dependent factories together without specifying
their concrete classes.
For e.g
Let's continue with the above car example in a little more detailed way.
As we said the car has few prerequisites to qualify as a car like 4 wheels.
However, this wheel may have its own set of properties such as type (allow, spokes,
etc.) shape, number, etc.
Hence in this case each requisite in the car can be its own factory pattern.
To define the car we may need to have a set of these factories combined to be able
to define the car correctly.
As a result, the class `Car` becomes a set of multiple factory methods having wheels
as it subsets.
Thus Defining Abstract Factory.
Abstract Factory provides a method to interface multiple groups.
This method is highly scalable since it allows multiple groups to be used.
4) Builder Pattern
Builder pattern allows you to create a complex set of an object when the creation of
the object is not possible directly.
For e.g.
Let's Consider a serialization deserialization a complex JSON Object which consists
of the list, dictionary, and much more.
"1st_key" : "some_data",
"2nd_key" : [
"abc": "some_data",
"def": "some_data"
"abc": "some_data",
"def": "some_data"
Example Json
So in this case builder pattern would have a class that stores the 1st level of
keys with `2nd_key` containing a List.
An object having the class a different class for a new class object.
Thus these classes can have their independent use and can be used and easily
The intent of the Builder Pattern is to separate the construction of a complex
an object from its representation, so that the same construction process can create
different representations.
This type of separation reduces the object size.
The design turns out to be more modular with each implementation contained in a
different builder object.
Adding a new implementation (i.e., adding a new builder) becomes easier.
The object construction process becomes independent of the components that make
up the object.
This provides more control over the object construction process.
Clear separation between the construction and representation of an object.
Provides better control over the construction process.
Supports changing the internal representation of objects.
5) Prototype Pattern
Prototype pattern creates objects based on an existing object through cloning.
A prototype pattern is used when the object creation is a costly affair and requires
a lot of time and resources and you have a similar object already existing.
So this pattern provides a mechanismto copy the original object to a new object and then modify it according to our needs.
For example, an object is to be created after a costly database operation.
We can cache the object, returns its clone on the next request, and update the database
as and when needed thus reducing database calls.
It reduces the need for sub-classing.
It hides the complexities of creating objects.
The clients can get new objects without knowing which type of object it will be.
It lets you add or remove objects at runtime.